If your home's HVAC system is not working properly, it can create a lot of stress on you as a homeowner. It costs a lot to repair this system and living with it in the meantime isn't fun. Here are some suggestions to help you maintain your unit.
Get all of the details regarding a broken system before calling for repair. Get the brand, model name, and if you can you should get the maintenance history out. This will facilitate the process when your contractor asks for this information.
Prior to choosing an HVAC customer, try to have an idea of what you want done. This will make the quote process much easier. It will be even harder if you cannot explain what you have done. Understand this information beforehand.
To make sure your condenser fan works properly, keep the fan blades and the coils clean. Except when cleaning the outside, turn the unit off when performing any type of maintenance. Also, it is important to clear the outside condenser unit from any debris that maybe trapped inside.
Clean the condenser on your debris regularly. The dirt could pile up and harm your system. It can overheat, leading to disaster within your system.
Every spring you should clean the coils and fan blades on your condenser fan. For safety, always turn the power off first. Next, pop the grill off, put the blades out and start to gently clean them along with the unit.
Do not allow grass clippings to cover the outdoor unit of your HVAC system. Aim your grass cuttings in a direction away from your unit. Be just as mindful when you blow leaves to not blow them toward your HVAC equipment.
Your HVAC system should be checked a few times a year. This should happen in the fall and the spring. Even if everything seems fine, check things out to find potential problems.
When it gets cold outside, the outdoor condenser unit should be turned off. This should be done when the temperature drops below 60ºF to avoid damage. This simple tip will help keep the system running efficiently for many years to come.
System Running
To keep your system running smoothly have your system serviced once a year. This inspection will ensure that your unit is working efficiently, including a freon level and motor check, and oiling moving parts. These simple things will keep your system running at peak performance.
In order to be comfortable in your home, you need to have a great HVAC system. Proper maintenance of your HVAC system is one factor that can help prevent a situation where your HVAC system does not work. Put these tips to good use and avoid this from happening.
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