Maintaining your home's HVAC system is a major part of home ownership. Understanding how it works and how to maintain it is a smart idea. This article can help.

Know the name and type of your HVAC system before looking for a repair person. Take a look at the system or the owner's manual to find the name and model number. Your contractor will appreciate this information.

Check the whole house before you call for help. Figure out which rooms feel hot and which feel cold. This can help contractors quickly figure out the issue and how to fix it easily and quickly.

TIP! Check out the system that you have before you call a professional. Know what the manufacturer's name is, which particular model you have and what's gone on with the unit in the past.

What do you need done? Know this before calling a contractor. They won't be able to offer you a quote if they haven't seen your system. It will be even harder if you cannot explain what you have done. So, you should know this beforehand.

If you have units that are condensers outside of the home, keep them free of debris. Excess debris can really affect your system's quality. Overheating may be the result if you don't.

The HVAC unit in your home can become damaged from falling leaves. Be sure to clean your fan grill frequently when trees nearby are shedding. If your fan is obstructed, it can keep your system from working properly.

TIP! If your HVAC system is acting up, take a tour of the house prior to calling a professional. Make a list of the temperatures in each room and whether they are hot or cold.

Find a place that is shaded for your compressor. When your unit is bringing in cool air, it will not have to work as hard to cool the air as it moves it inside, boosting efficiency.

You can boost the efficiency of your HVAC unit by replacing it with a new energy efficient one or moving your old one to a shady outside location. The air in the shade is cooler and can help save on energy costs.

Double pane your windows to prevent drafts. Try to insulate your windows to prevent air from being lost. It keeps heat in during the winter, too.

TIP! Think about what improvements you want made before picking an HVAC contractor. Providing you with an accurate estimate over the telephone may be difficult to impossible is they can't see the system you have.

A good way to save money with your air conditioning is by installing a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats can reduce your power HVAC energy costs by as much as ten percent, just by dialing back your thermostat ten or fifteen percent up to eight daily hours. Some can even be controlled from a computer.

To keep your system running smoothly have your system serviced once a year. The service will include motor inspection, oiling of moving parts, and a freon level check. These easy to do things are going to allow your system to run its best.

Your home should not have temperatures that are too hot. It takes quite a while to cool a home by more than 20 degrees. So if your home is 100ºF, you'll only get the temperature down to about 80. This isn't a very safe condition for a homeowner to sleep in, especially when the humidity levels are considered.

TIP! Clean the debris on your condenser units. Wind can pile up all sorts of debris against its grill.

In order to be comfortable in your home 365 days a year, your HVAC system must remain in working order. Knowing how to maintain them is very important. Luckily, you know have the information to help prevent this from happening.

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You do not want to avoid the maintenance of your HVAC system. You are probably here because you want to learn about what you can do in order to help the HVAC system last a very long time. The following article offers lots of great tips.

If you struggle with your HVAC, try touring your home before calling a professional. Make note of which rooms are cold and which are hot. Give this information to your contractor when they arrive.

Clean the fan blades and coils in your condenser each spring. First, the power should be turned off so things don't move as you work. Then, take off the grill and get the blades out. Clean everything with care.

TIP! Make a circuit around your home before calling for help with your HVAC. Know what part of the house is cold and which is hot.

Have the HVAC system serviced twice per year. Your system should be inspected in Spring and Fall. Even if you don't think anything's wrong, it's still worth an inspection.

As the temperature outside drops, remember to turn off your outdoor condenser unit. If you get into temperatures that are less than 60 degrees you need the unit to be shut off so it doesn't get damaged. This will keep your system in working order year after year, saving you a ton on repairs.

Double Pane

TIP! Clean the fan blades and coils on the condenser fan every spring. Be sure to turn the power off first; you don't want anything to move.

It is always a good idea to swap out single pane windows for double pane ones. Having double pane windows allows your air conditioning unit to be run much less during the summer, because the cool air is kept inside the home. This also works during the cold months to keep the warm air inside.

Consider getting a programmable thermostat for your AC. Such thermostats help you save around ten percent when it comes to energy costs. Furthermore, there are a few programmable thermostats that you can control from your computer or any other web-connected device.

Keep energy costs from rising by having your system serviced annually. During a maintenance visit, professionals can help by inspecting the system's motor, oil the different moving parts as well as check the system's freon levels. These few simple things will help your system to run at its peak performance.

TIP! As the leaves are falling off the trees, your HVAC system can really take a hit. During this time of year, check and clear off the fan grill on your unit on a regular basis.

As you can see from reading the above article, it is vital that you take good care of your HVAC system to prevent it from going bad. If your HVAC fails, it can be expensive to repair. Don't let this happen; work on using the advice you were given above.

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