Homeowners may find it difficult to know how to care for a failing HVAC system. Keep the situation from being a huge disaster by getting to know the topic. These suggestions will benefit you for years to come.
Always make sure you are up-to-date about your HVAC unit. Learn the brand and the model. This will help make sure that the contractor you hire has all the necessary information.
Before contacting a repair service, do a short tour of the entire home. Determine which rooms are hotter or colder than they should be. That way, the contractor will have an easier time diagnosing the problem and repairing it fast.
Clean your fan and coils when the weather begins to warm. Prior to working on or cleaning the unit, be sure to turn off the power. Additionally, it's important to clear out leaves and other debris from the outside condenser unit.
Be sure to regularly clean debris from external condenser units. Things tend to pile up around these units, especially after storms come through, which could cause problems to your system. It may begin to overheat, causing massive damage.
When you cut the grass, don't cover the outdoor units with their clippings. Instead, make sure that the grass is shooting in the opposite direction. Be just as mindful when you blow leaves to not blow them toward your HVAC equipment.
Your HVAC unit may suffer when trees start to lose their leaves. When you see nearby trees shedding their leaves, clean the fan grill on your unit constantly. The fan must be unobstructed to work properly, and if it becomes blocked, it could cause your system to break down.
You need to lubricate parts of your fan condenser. Such ports tend to have coverings made of rubber or metal. Pick a type of SAE 20 oil that is non-detergent and lightweight. Place 10 or less drops into every port to avoid overfilling.
Have you ever lost your HVAC system during the bitter winter or blistering summer months? If you have, then you know what a terrible nightmare this can be. However, homeowners who are educated in basic heating and cooling maintenance can overcome many of the issues that may arise during trying times. These tips will put you in the best possible position.
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