Keeping your home's HVAC system running at its optimal performance is a task most homeowners should do, but not everybody knows how to accomplish that. Understanding how it works and how to maintain it is a smart idea. Here are some great tips to help you.
Before making that repair phone call, make sure you know the specifics about your particular system. Know the brand name and model number. It is also helpful to have the maintenance history. This will facilitate the process when your contractor asks for this information.
Before an HVAC expert comes to your home to do any repair work, walk around the home and check out the temps in every room. Jot down the rooms that are hot and the ones that are cold. This will help your contractor quickly determine where the issue lies and how to get it fixed quickly and easily.
It is important to have some knowledge of your present system and needs before calling a contractor. It is going to be hard to get a price estimate on the phone if the current system isn't something they've seen. It will be even harder if you cannot explain what you have done. It's important to know this beforehand.
Clean any debris that accumulates on an external condenser unit. The dirt could pile up and harm your system. Overheating may be the result if you don't.
Make sure clippings don't get on your outdoor units when your mowing your lawn. Instead, make sure that the grass is shooting in the opposite direction. The same should happen if you are blowing leaves, so be especially careful when you are going by your exterior HVAC devices whenever you are moving debris.
If your condenser comes with oil ports, you should lubricate it yearly. Most of these ports have some sort of protective cap covering them. Use a lightweight, detergent-free SAE 20 oil, putting 10 drops in each port.
Place your HVAC unit in the shade to boost efficiency. As you get your air conditioner to suck in cool air it won't have to do too much work to cool it which saves you some money.
Once it grows cold outside, turn off your outside condenser unit. If temps go below 60 you run the risk of damaging a unit that remains on. You will save in repair bills and increase the efficiency of your system.
There aren't many things that make a home more comfortable than a functioning HVAC system. However, if you don't hire the right contractor, you can end up frustrated when your system stops working. The tips you just read should be of benefit to anyone with an HVAC.
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Tagged with: condenser unit • hvac system
Filed under: HVAC
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