The comfort of one's home depends on a properly functioning HVAC system. The perfect mix of cool air blowing in on hot days, or having warm heat when the air is chilly, feels great. If your system breaks, it can be very frustrating. These tips will help you master some very simple HVAC maintenance strategies to prevent this nightmare from occurring.

Before calling someone to repair your system, make sure you know what kind of HVAC system you actually have. Learn the brand and the model. This will give contractor's a better idea of what to expect before they show up, which will help things go more smoothly on arrival.

If your HVAC system is acting up, take a tour of the house prior to calling a professional. Note which rooms are hot and which are cold. You can then relay this information to the technician so that they can more easily figure out what the problem is.

TIP! Check the whole house before you call for help. Jot down the rooms that are hot and the ones that are cold.

Before choosing an HVAC contractor, think of what you wish to have done. It will be hard for a contractor to give you a price estimate over the phone if they have not seen your current system. If you do not know what you want, the process can become tedious, especially over the phone. It's a good idea to learn this information in advance.

Make certain that an outdoor unit is in the shade. Your unit won't have to work as hard to cool the inside air if the outside air it sucks from is cooler.

Your system should be checked twice a year. The best time of year to have the system checked is right before the weather begins to change. Even if you can't see anything wrong, checking it may help you locate and repair some possible issues.

TIP! If you have oil ports as part of the fan condenser, annual lubrication is key. You'll find these ports are covered with a metal or rubber cap.

Once it grows cold outside, turn off your outside condenser unit. If it's lower than 60 degrees, the time has come to turn it off. This simple tip will help keep the system running efficiently for many years to come.

After reading the above article, you now see the importance to keeping your HVAC in proper working condition. Failing to keep your system in working order will cause bad things to happen. You are lucky to find this article so you know how to ensure your HVAC system provided proper heating and cooling.

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