An HVAC system helps keep you comfortable all year. When such a system stops working or becomes inefficient, they often have to be replaced. Knowing what issues to look for will save you time and money. Keep reading for what you need to know.

To make sure your condenser fan works properly, keep the fan blades and the coils clean. Be safe and turn off the power supply before working on your HVAC unit. Clean the outdoor condenser as well.

If the outside of your home has condenser units, ensure they are constantly cleaned. The dirt could pile up and harm your system. Also, you are risking your system overheating.

TIP! Be sure to clean external condenser units regularly. Debris can pile up at rates that increase during rainy or windy weather, and this can foul up the inner workings of your system.

When selecting the spot to put the outdoor compressor for your unit, choose somewhere that gets plenty of shade. The cooler the air which goes in, the less work the unit will have to do.

Boost energy efficiency by putting your condenser unit in the shade. This will ensure cool air is sucked in, meaning less cooling must be done by the unit.

Have the HVAC system checked twice a year at the least. This should happen in the fall and the spring. Even if everything seems fine, check things out to find potential problems.

TIP! Clean your condenser's fan blades and coil in the spring. Before you get started, cut the power.

A programmable thermostat can help you save money on your air conditioning bill. It may save you as much as 10 percent of your overall utility bill if you turn your thermostat down by 10-15 degrees for a portion of the day. Some newer programmable thermostats have computerized controls you can access from your personal computer, laptop or mobile media device.

Try to have your HVAC system looked at every year, because regular maintenance will go a long way in energy efficiency. Make sure the person takes a look at the motor and examines the levels of freon. This maintenance means that your system will operate optimally.

If everyone is out, turn the air conditioner off. The house will heat up, but not too much. Leaving your heating or cooling running full blast while you are away is a waste of money and energy.

TIP! Avoid showering your outdoor unit with grass clippings when you mow the lawn. Direct the clippings away from the equipment.

Do not allow your home to reach excessive levels of heat during the summer. An AC unit will reduce the internal temperature of your home approximately twenty degrees in a fair time. If the temperature in your home rises to 100 degrees F or higher, cooling it will only drop the temperature to 80 degrees F. When you factor in humidity, this can still be dangerously hot for the human body at rest.

Locating a good HVAC unit is crucial, as it is an investment. When you need to get a new system or seek repairs, keep this guidance in mind. They will allow you to be more educated when it comes to buying and you'll get a system you know will work well for you.

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