A HVAC system that works is important for an enjoyable home. The heat in the winter and cool air in the summer are very refreshing to come home to. But when your system suddenly stops working, the situation can become frustrating very quickly. This article will give you tips on how to properly maintain your HVAC system.

Check out the system that you have before you call a professional. Learn the brand, model, and if you have it, the maintenance history. This helps make sure the contractor has the information they will need.

Clean your outdoor condensers often. Debris quickly gathers here, even more so if there is a storm. This can cause major issues with your system. Left unchecked, your unit is more likely to break down.

TIP! Before you start calling to find someone to fix your unit, make sure you know the type of system that is installed. Write down what brand your system is along with the model number and, if they're available, maintenance records.

Make sure your condenser fan is in good working order by wiping down the fan blades and the coils. Before you get started, cut the power. Then, pop off its grills, pull the blades out, and begin cleaning the unit and them gently.

Your HVAC unit may suffer when trees start to lose their leaves. Whenever leaves are falling, consistently clean the fan grill. When blockages restrict the flow of air to the fan, you could end up with serious issues on your hands.

If you have a fan condenser with oil ports, it needs to be lubricated every year. You can easily find the ports as they have a rubber or metal cap. Choose a SAE 20 oil whch is lightweight and non-detergent and place 10 drops or less into each port, ensuring it doesn't overfill.

TIP! Clean your fan and coils when the weather begins to warm. Always turn the unit off before you do anything to it, including leaning.

When selecting a location for an outdoor compressor, opt for a shady area, if possible. When your unit takes in cool air, it takes less energy to tool the air, thus boosting efficiency.

Have a smart thermostat installed. It will help save on your heating and cooling costs by turning itself down at certain times. Also, you'll find that you can program your thermostat from a computer or anything connected to the web.

You can keep energy costs in your home lower by choosing to have professional maintenance done on your HVAC unit. When they come out for a service visit, expect inspections of freon levels and the motor, and they will oil all the moving parts. Those things are going to help your system at peak performance.

TIP! Each spring, try cleaning the fan blades and coils on the condenser fan. Don't forget to disconnect the power first.

Save some cash by shutting down the air-conditioning system when there is no one in the house. When it's off the house will get hot, but only by a certain amount. Leaving the system on all day will cost a lot of money in terms of electricity.

Don't let your house get too hot. A simple AC unit will usually only cool the home around 20 degrees within a short period of time. If you have your home at above 100 degrees then you can only get it to about 80 or above. Depending on humidity levels, this isn't even a safe temperature for a human body to sleep at to recover from summer heat.

Do you now see just how important it is to keep your HVAC operating properly? Without regular maintenance, your unit may experience untimely problems. Use the tips in this article to ensure this does not happen.

TIP! Do not allow grass clippings to cover the outdoor unit of your HVAC system. Make certain the debris goes away from it.

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