Your air conditioning and heating system is vital to your home. This key component to living comfortably must be properly maintained. Below you're going to get a lot of great advice to help you with this, so read on!
Clean the fan blades and coils prior to summertime. Always shut off all power to your unit for any work beyond superficial cleaning. Additionally, it's important to clear out leaves and other debris from the outside condenser unit.
Clean the condenser on your debris regularly. You don't know when things are going to pile up, like right after it's windy or rains, and that can ruin your system. It can overheat, leading to disaster within your system.
Make sure your HVAC unit is in the shade. If your air conditioner is able to constantly suck in cool air, it won't have to work overtime to cool your space, which can in turn save you money on your electricity bills.
Replace any single-paned windows with double-paned versions. Double pane windows can minimize the use of your air conditioner in hot weather since they keep the indoor air cooler. Likewise, heat is better retained during the winter.
Regularly having your HVAC system serviced can help keep your heating and cooling bills down. During this service visit, they will inspect the motor of the system, oil the moving parts and check the freon levels in the system. This will help your system run better.
Your home should never reach a dangerous temperature. Even the best air conditioners can only realistically cool your home approximately 20 degrees Farenheit. So if your home is 100ºF, you'll only get the temperature down to about 80. Depending on how humid the environment is, that is not a healthy temperature for the human body when it rests during sleep.
Look for air conditioner sizing calculators online to truly understand what size of unit is necessary for your room or home. A unit that is bigger than you need simply isn't efficient. Check the manual to see what the manufacturer rates the unit to cool for accurate information.
Use these tips to keep your HVAC system in tip-top condition. It is a bad feeling to return home to find that the vents have no air coming from them. It gets even worse when you think about repair costs. Prevention is possible through using these tips. Keep these tips handy at all times so that you can tackle any HVAC issue.
Learn more information about air duct cleaning in Cleveland Ohio click here: Cleveland Air Duct Cleaning Company
Tagged with: hvac system
Filed under: HVAC
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